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Splicing Subgroup Provides Protocols for Evaluating Splicing Variant Data

The splicing subgroup of the ClinGen Sequence Variant Interpretation Working Group provides recommendations on how to evaluate splicing variant data in the American Journal of Human Genetics this week. Though the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics and the Association for Molecular Pathology established a framework in 2015 for classifying variants, the authors of the new paper note that the application of these guidelines by variant curation expert panels has varied. In their paper, the working group offers a standardized guidance on how to apply evidence codes to splicing predictions, splicing assays, and other functional data. "We describe generic protocols useful for assigning strength levels to different evidence criteria to facilitate recalibration of code strengths as new information accrues," the subgroup writes. "We also provide a generic decision tree to guide variant assessment with combinations of evidence codes relating to variant location, splicing predictions, splicing assay data, and variant type."

The Scan

Cystatin C Plays Role in Immunosuppression, Cancer Immunotherapy Failure, Study Finds

A study in Cell Genomics provides insight into how glucocorticoids can lead to cancer immunotherapy failure via cystatin C production.

Aging, Species Lifespan Gene Expression Signatures Overlap

An Osaka Metropolitan University team reports in Nucleic Acids Research that transcriptional signatures of aging and maximum lifespan have similarities.

Splicing Subgroup Provides Protocols for Evaluating Splicing Variant Data

The group presents their approach on how to apply evidence codes to splicing predictions and other data in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Mouse Cochlea to Aid Treatment Development

Researchers in PNAS conducted single-cell and single-nuclear sequencing of about 120,000 cells at three key timepoints in cochlear development to generate a transcriptomic atlas.